"Toy Soldiers" is a strategic war game, developed exclusively for Android devices, and becomes a member of the growing list of augmented reality games for Android. Augmented reality applications for mobile devices utilize the camera built into your Android smart phone or tablet device.
In "Toy Soldiers", players take turns to try and be the sole winner.
There are three game modes that can be played with "Toy Soldiers": Capture the Flag, Last Man Standing and Maintain Morale.
In "Capture the Flag" you are the winner of the game when you have captured all of your opponent's flags. In "Last Man Standing" you win by being the last surviving team in the game. And in "Maintain Morale", you are the winner when all your opponents have lost of their morale, which is measured by the meter at the top of the game screen.
Outwit your opponents by using terrain features to block their attacks. Use the structures, scattered about the terrain, to hinder your opponents movements. Trees can be used to hinder attacks, by dramatically reducing damage.
With 3D sound and particle-effects, "Toy Soldiers: Riflemen" imitates the emotions of a real battle-field.
The game is played using the camera of your Android device, which should be pointed at the Augmented Reality Marker as shown in the screen-shots. The Marker can be downloaded at
3D graphics and sound.
Play the game on any surface using the Augmented Reality Marker.
Particle-effects and sound create the feel of a real battle.
Play against one, two, three or four AI-opponents.
Choose between three and five soldiers per team.
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